About Action Visa Assistance
Guiding you through each criteria to qualify for H-2A and H-2B
Attained documented workforce
Action Visa Assistance evolved out of need. In 1996 Lori’s father owned an irrigation company, and he struggled to find a legally documented workforce. This led him to the H2B program. Initially, he hired an agent to handle his application but discovered quickly that compliance and oversight was not being properly presented to him. As he began to dig into the program, he realized that getting his application approved was only the beginning, and he was left to figure the rest out on his own once his workers arrived. He feared lack of understanding and following program regulations would get him and his staff in even more trouble. Since it was going to be up to him to understand the details of compliance and being compliant, he decided to file his own application and dive deep compliance regulations. For this, he asked Lori for help.
Initially, he only managed his own applications. As he attained a documented workforce, word in his local landscaping community spread, and he began getting requests from business associates to help them. Lori joined him full time, and they began managing applications and putting together compliance training for the local landscaping community. Every success brought them more referrals from other industries. Within 3 years they found themselves managing applications from a diverse set of industries including: landscaping, nurseries, construction, oil and gas, mines, quarries, highway and bridge builders, sea food processors, fishermen, farms, and ranches. The business grew organically through referrals.

Put together a team
Fairly early in the growth process Denny realized that processing workers in their home country was going to be a wild card. He travelled to Mexico and put together a team to handle Action Visa’s in-country processing. That team is still in place and processing for Action Visa to this date.
As the company continued to grow exponentially it was left to Lori to figure out how to manage the growth. She put together processes and developed automated procedures to help ensure all timelines were properly managed and no deadlines missed. As time went on, Denny managed Mexico operations and Lori managed U.S. operations. Denny retired in 2016 and took over international operations as well.
High level of dedication
In 2016 Lori brought on her daughter, Anique to run the H2 program and ensure the family business moved into the future. Anique worked to streamline processes, manage H2 administrations and develop relationships throughout the H2 Community of leaders.
As U.S. Dept. of Labor and U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security began to tighten up compliance checks, Lori brought on Doug to help keep the company and its customers informed of compliance requirements and provide training. Training has always been provided both in person and online to help Action Visa clients understand their requirements and responsibilities as an H2 employer.
Action Visa Assistance began with and still maintains a high level of dedication to our clients and has a heart for small businesses. We prioritize communication with our clients and compliance with the programs we administer because when you win, we all win.